
An abstract (max. 300 words) must be attached to each submission. Please be reminded that your abstract and bio will be published on the conference website in the original, unedited form.

What to include in an abstract?

  1. Problem – what is the problem that your paper attempts to solve, what questions does it answer?
  2. Reason – why is your research important?
  3. Thesis – what is the outcome of your research, what thesis does it support?
  4. Method – what methods did you use to handle the issue?
  5. Implications – what are theoretical/practical applications of your research, what does it bring to the general body of knowledge concerning the problem?

Points 1-2 are compulsory. Points 3-5 may be omitted if you are at the beginning of your research. You can also consult other sources to find more information on .


An author bio is brief information about the education and experience of the speaker/presenter (max. 100 words). It should include the following points:

  • Name and surname
  • Academic degree / level of studies / position
  • Affiliation (university, college)
  • Grants or scholarships
  • Projects, awards, achievements
  • Research interests